To have a high representation of women in leadership roles, executive positions and boards across organizations in the state of Maryland and the USA
Balanced for BetterThe program is designed to help women move from lowpoint entry positions to the echelons of leadership in their professional careers.
Our goal is to see more female leaders, not just aspire, but also occupy executive capacities, and leverage their decisive power to influence change at the very highest levels. Participants of the program will be groomed specifically to take up positions as C-Suite executives and Members of boards. The program is designed to help women move from lowpoint entry positions to the echelons of leadership in their professional careers. Our goal is to see more female leaders, not just aspire, but also occupy executive capacities, and leverage their decisive power to influence change at the very highest levels. Participants of the program will be groomed specifically to take up positions as C-Suite executives and Members of boards. |
Our Programs
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The Balanced Boardroom Internship Program |